藝術家油畫 ‧ 國畫 ‧ 書法 - 展售&訂製        裝框 ‧ 裱褙 - 工廠直營 ‧ 批發&零售


2018 藝術家行情⋯⋯⋯2000元/號 2019 藝術家行情...........4000元/號 2022 藝術家行情...........5000元/號


Xu Jian Yang
1973, China

Now he is a well-known painter signed by the United States-China Business Center, Taiwan Mingdian Gallery, Songfengge Gallery, and Hong Kong Duoli Matheson. He was born in 1973 in a stone carving family in Hui'an, Quanzhou, a famous stone carving city in China. He has been influenced by plastic arts since he was a child. The history of artistic creation, works such as "Hui'an Girl", "Hometown", "Local Love" and other works have won awards in different exhibitions in China. In 2004, the "Contemporary Oil Painting Art Exhibition" was held in Taiwan's Mingdian Gallery, and his works were also collected by well-known collectors in Taiwan, Hong Kong, the United States, Japan and Southeast Asia.


The vastness and changes of the sea have impressed Xu Jianyang since he was a child, and created the soul of his art works. The sea is changeable, sometimes it is as quiet as a virgin, and sometimes it is roaring. Between the sea and the self, he chose tranquility. , plain; feel the changes of the universe and nature in tranquility. For Haosen's philosophy on the universe, his plainness is not ordinary and exhausted, but to vent the profoundness of the ever-changing world in a limited space.
The seemingly simple and clean images deeply project a rich tranquility, which is shaped according to the objects, achieving the beauty of plain beauty, the beauty of nature, which is dry on the outside and creamy on the outside, and greatly expands the expression space of the images in the painting. The formation of the orientals also reflects the pure spiritual realm, and starting from the psychological structure, it is analyzed that the landscape culture contains the emotions and colors of the cultural psychology, which is both reasonable and affectionate.
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