藝術家油畫 ‧ 國畫 ‧ 書法 - 展售&訂製        裝框 ‧ 裱褙 - 工廠直營 ‧ 批發&零售

江翊凡 / 油畫




學 經 歷 
國立臺中教育大學 美術學系 學士
國立苑裡高級中學 美術班

Learning Experience

National Taichung University of Education, Department of Fine Arts, Bachelor of Arts
​National Yuanli Senior High School Art Class

獎 項 
2023 華嚴金獅獎全國繪畫比賽「文殊菩薩造像」繪畫造像《參獎》
2023年大甲媽祖國際觀光文化節之繪畫比賽 大專院校組《優選》
2023 雄獅夏季薪藝獎徵畫比賽 國高中職/大學組《佳作》
2023 第十五屆萬和美展繪畫比賽  西畫類《第一名》
2022 雄獅冬季薪藝獎徵畫比賽國高中職/大學組《金獎》
2022 台北市圖教盃繪畫比賽大學五專及高中組《第二名》
2022 華嚴金獅獎全國繪畫比賽  手繪繪畫類《首獎》
2022 農友社會福利基金會「2022年全國繪畫徵選競賽」大專組《特優》
2022 雄獅夏季薪藝獎徵畫比賽國高中職/大學組《金獎》
2022 天文宮<集賢文化獎>全國第二屆「彩繪永安風情」徵件繪畫比賽《佳作》
2021 MiNGYI 文化盃印象繪畫暨Q版好神設計大賽之印象手繪組《第三名》
2021 台北市關渡宮大專西畫新秀獎全國繪畫比賽《佳作》
2021 台灣頭痛學會第一屆全國繪畫比賽 大專社會組《第一名》
2021 華嚴金獅獎全國繪畫比賽 古典繪畫類《佳作》
2021 華嚴金獅獎全國繪畫比賽 Q版繪畫類《首獎》
2021 年雄獅夏季薪藝獎全國徵畫比賽《金獎》
2021 河顏藝思全國繪畫比賽 社會組 《第一名》
2019 全國學生美術比賽 高中職美術班組 版畫類 《特優》

2023 Huayan Golden Lion Award National Painting Competition "Manjushri Bodhisattva Statue" Painting Statue "Participation"
2023 Dajia Mazu International Tourism and Culture Festival Painting Competition, College and University Group "Selected"
2023 Lion Summer Art Award Painting Competition National High School Vocational/University Category "Excellent Works"
2023 The 15th Wanhe Art Exhibition Painting Competition "First Place" in Western Painting Category
2022 Lion Winter Art Award Painting Competition National High School Vocational/University Group "Gold Award"
2022 Taipei City Drawing Education Cup Painting Competition "Second Place" in the Fifth College and High School Group
2022 Huayan Golden Lion Award National Painting Competition "First Prize" in Hand-painted Painting Category
2022 Nongyou Social Welfare Foundation "
2022 National Painting Selection Competition" College Group "Excellent"
2022 Lion Summer Art Award Painting Competition National High School Vocational/University Category "Gold Award"
2022 Tianwen Palace The Second National "Painting Yongan Style" Painting Competition "Excellent Works"
2021 MiNGYI Culture Cup Impression Painting and Q Version Good God Design Competition Impression Hand-painted Group "Third Place"
2021 Taipei City Guandu Palace Western Painting Rookie Award National Painting Competition "Excellence"
2021 Taiwan Headache Society's 1st National Painting Competition "First Place" in the Social Category of Colleges and Universities
2021 Huayan Golden Lion Award National Painting Competition Classical Painting Category "Excellence"
2021 Huayan Golden Lion Award National Painting Competition "First Prize" in Q-plate painting category
2021 Lion Summer Art Awards National Painting Competition "Gold Award"
2021 Ha Yen Ye Si National Painting Competition Social Category "First Place"
2019 National Student Art Competition High School Vocational Art Class Printmaking Category "Excellent"

展 覽 
2024「#關鍵字」,藝術新勢力 四人聯展,松風閣畫廊,臺中,臺灣



2024 "#Keywords," The Young Voices Group Exhibition, Song Fong Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2024 ''The Young Voices Outstanding Graduates of the Art Department Recommendation Exhibition," Taichung City Dadun Cultural Center, Taichung, Taiwan
2024 "Unshackled" Graduation Exhibition of the 113th Fine Arts Department, National Taichung University of Education, Taichung, Taiwan

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