藝術家油畫 ‧ 國畫 ‧ 書法 - 展售&訂製        裝框 ‧ 裱褙 - 工廠直營 ‧ 批發&零售




Chang Kuei Lien


Artist Chang Kuei Lien often takes flowers as the theme of her paintings, such as orchids exuding fragrance and cherry blossoms in spring. In the spring that nourishes all things, the blue sky and bright red flowers add softness and tranquility to the spring breeze. The pink embellishment under the night light is more romantic on a moonlit night.

學 經 歷

Learning Experience 
Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University 
Painting teaching teacher at Evergreen College, North District

獎 項 
2023《屏東美展》第一類 優選
2022《中區美展69屆》膠彩組 第一名
2022《苗栗雙年展》東方媒材類 入選
2021《中區美展68》膠彩組 優選
2021《東海大學第38屆師生美展》 研究所 膠彩類 優選
2019《東海大學第36屆師生美展》 研究所 膠彩類 第三名

2023  "Pingtung Art Exhibition" Category 1 Selection
2022  "The 69th Central District Art Exhibition" Gold Medal
2022  "Miaoli Biennale" Oriental Media Category,Judges' Award
2021  "Central District Art Exhibition 68" Eastern Gouache category , Merit Award
2021  "The 38th Teachers and Students Art Exhibition of Tunghai University" Eastern Gouache category, Merit Award
2019  "The 36th Teachers and Students Art Exhibition of Tunghai University", Eastern Gouache category,Bronze Medal Award

個 展
2021 「記憶的花香」張桂蓮膠彩畫展,東海大學國際藝術中心,臺中,臺灣
2019 「花開了」張桂蓮膠彩畫展,尼頌詩藝術,南投,臺灣  

Solo Exhibition 
2024 "The Fragrance of Flowers" CHANG Kuei Lien Solo Exhibition, Taichung City Seaport Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan
2023  "Go to the Place with the Scent of Flowers" CHANG Kuei Lian's Eastern Gouache Exhibition, Song Fong Gallery, Taichung, Taiwan
2021  "Flower Fragrance of Memories CHANG Kuei Lian's Eastern Gouache Exhibition"Tunghai University International Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan
2019  "The Art of Nisong Poetry - Blooming CHANG Kuei Lian's Eastern Gouache Exhibition" Galerie Naissance, Nantou, Taiwan

聯 展
2024 「臺中藝術博覽會」,松風閣畫廊展間,臺中日月千禧酒店,臺中,臺灣 
2024 「臺南藝術博覽會」,松風閣畫廊展間,晶英酒店,臺南,臺灣
2023 「臺中藝術博覽會」,松風閣畫廊展間,林酒店 ,臺中,臺灣
2023 「臺南藝術博覽會」,松風閣畫廊展間,晶英酒店,臺南,臺灣
2023 「吉光片羽」東海大學美術系碩專班106班展
2022 「臺中藝術博覽會」,松風閣畫廊展間,林酒店 ,臺中,臺灣
2022-2023 「臺灣台灣綠水畫會會員會員聯展」
2022-2023 「東碩畫會會員聯展」
2021-2023 「臺灣膠彩協會會員聯展」
2019-2023 「牛馬頭畫會會員聯展」

Group Exhibition 
2024  "Art Taichung", Song Fong Gallery Booth,Millennium Vee Hotel Taichung, Taichung, Taiwan
2024  "Art Tainan", Song Fong Gallery Booth,Silks Place Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan
2023  "Art Taichung ", Song Fong Gallery Booth, The Lin, Taichung, Taiwan
2023  "Art Tainan", Song Fong Gallery Booth,Silks Place Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan
2023  "Yoshimitsu Katayu" Class 106 Exhibition of the Master's Program of the Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University
2022  "Art Taichung ", Song Fong Gallery Booth, The Lin, Taichung, Taiwan
2022-2023  "Taiwan Green Water Painting Society Members' Group Exhibition"
2022-2023  "Group Exhibition of Dongshuo Painting Association Members"
2021-2023  "Taiwan Adhesive Paint Association Members Group Exhibition"
2019-2023  "Group Exhibition of Niu Ma Tau Art Association Members"

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