藝術家油畫 ‧ 國畫 ‧ 書法 - 展售&訂製        裝框 ‧ 裱褙 - 工廠直營 ‧ 批發&零售

吳龍斌 / 油畫



Wu Long Bin
Shaoyang, Hunan, China

現為中國美術家協會會員,殘疾人美術家協會會員,深圳市龍崗布吉大芬殘疾人美術協會副會長。自幼酷愛繪畫,畢業於湖南省邵陽大學美術系,由於工作中一次失誤致使他失去了左手,但是,厄運沒有摧垮他的意志,他用奮鬥不止、自強不息的精神抒寫著自己無悔的人生。在油畫的藝術世界裡努力學習,創作了大量的優秀作品,曾多次參加全國性大展,其中風水畫《聚寶盆》獲 「關山月中國畫創作獎」。1998年和1999年先後來深圳大芬油畫村講學、繪畫。許多作品被國內外藏家和機構廣泛收藏。

He is currently a member of the Chinese Artists Association, a member of the Disabled Artists Association, and the vice president of the Shenzhen Longgang Buji Dafen Disabled Artists Association. He loved painting since he was a child. He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Shaoyang University in Hunan Province. He lost his left hand due to a mistake at work. However, bad luck did not destroy his will. He wrote his life without regrets with the spirit of continuous struggle and self-improvement . He has studied hard in the art world of oil painting and created a large number of excellent works. He has participated in many national exhibitions, among which Fengshui painting "Cornucopia" won the "Guan Shanyue Chinese Painting Creation Award". In 1998 and 1999, he came to Shenzhen Dafen Oil Painting Village to give lectures and paint. Many works are widely collected by domestic and foreign collectors and institutions.


In the long shot of this work, the mountains are stretching, steep and straight, and the close shot is the platform jumping up, the water surface is open, and there are thousands of tall and lush trees, which can be regarded as a rare feng shui masterpiece. Landscape oil paintings become dynamic, intuitive and breathtaking landscapes.

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