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Zentangle artist Chang Hui Cing

作者介紹 :
2017年接觸禪繞畫後為此深深著迷, 張老師說繪畫可以紓解壓力, 進而創作更多作品。
張老師首場個展於2020年在臺中市立葫蘆墩文化中心舉行, 之後每年舉辦個人展覽,
她的每幅作品皆是慢工出細活,細膩又美麗, 藉由她的禪繞畫作 , 將帶領您進入禪繞藝術的美麗境界。

About The Artist :
In 2017, she was deeply fascinated by Zentangle painting. Teacher Chang said that painting can relieve stress and create more works.
Teacher Chang's first solo exhibition will be held at the Huludun Cultural Center in Taichung City in 2020. After that, solo exhibitions will be held every year.
Through each exhibition and teaching promotion, Mr. Chang will keep his creative inspiration and motivation endless.
Teacher Chang Hui Cing's Zentangle painting breaks through the size of paper tiles for Zentangle paintings in the market, and challenges large-scale creations. The painting center exceeds 80x50 cm.
Creating large-scale Zentangle paintings requires more stamina, stable painting skills and compositional ingenuity.
Each of her works is slow and meticulous, delicate and beautiful. With her Zentangle paintings, she will lead you into the beautiful realm of Zentangle art.

2020/01-02 禪繞花非花~臺中市市立葫蘆墩文化中心(展覽室V)
2020/04-05 禪繞花非花~臺中市立圖書館大雅分館
2020/05-07 禪繞花非花~臺中市群復中醫診所(1-2F)
2020/07-09 禪繞花非花~臺中市大雅區戶政事務所(藝文空間)
2021/09      禪繞花非花~臺中市南屯區公所(1F文化藝廊)
2021/10-12 禪繞花漾年華~臺中市大雅區戶政事務所(藝文空間)
2022/01-02 禪繞花漾年華~臺中市南屯區公所(1-2F文化藝廊)
2022/05-06 禪繞花漾年華~臺中市立圖書館神岡分館(神韻藝廊)
2022/10-12 禪繞景泰藍~臺中市大雅區戶政事戶所(藝文空間)
2023/03-04 禪繞卉質蘭青~臺中市立圖書館外埔分館(2-3樓閱讀區)
2023/05       禪繞花漾年華~臺中市立圖書館豐原分館(B棟2F藝文空間)
2023/06-07 禪繞景泰藍~臺中市西屯區公所(5F藝文空間)
2023/07      禪繞天上人間~臺中市立圖書館總館(2F,4F)
2023/08      禪繞景泰藍~臺中市南屯區公所(文化藝廊)
2023/08-10 豐原火車站櫥窗展~后豐社大講師群
2023/09-10 禪繞卉質蘭青~臺中市潭子區公所3F(潭聯藝廊)
2023/11-12 禪繞靈動世界~臺中市大雅區戶政事戶所
2024/01-02 禪繞靈動世界~臺中市立圖書館-西區分館3F

Creation Of Solo Exhibition History Form
2020/01-02 Zentangle flowers are not flowers ~ Taichung City Huludun Cultural Center (Exhibition Room V)
2020/04-05 Zentangle flowers are not flowers ~ Taichung City Library Daya Branch
2020/05-07 Zentangle flowers are not flowers ~ Taichung Qun Fu Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic (1-2F)
2020/07-09 Zentangle flowers are not flowers ~ Taichung City Daya District Household Registration Office (Art Space)
2021/09 Zentangle Flowers Are Not Flowers ~ Taichung City Nantun District Office (1F Cultural Gallery)
2021/10-12 Zentangle Teenage Love ~ Taichung City Daya District Household Registration Office (Art Space)
2022/01-02 Zentangle Teenage Love ~ Taichung City Nantun District Office (1-2F Cultural Gallery)
2022/05-06 Zentangle in Teenage Love ~ Taichung City Library Kamioka Branch (Shen Yun Gallery)
2022/10-12 Zentangle Cloisonne ~ Household Affairs Office, Daya District, Taichung City (Art Space)
2023/03-04 Zentangle Flower Quality Lanqing ~ Taichung City Library Waipu Branch (2-3F reading area)
2023/05 Zentangle in Youth ~ Taichung City Library Fengyuan Branch (2F Art Space, Building B)
2023/06-07 Zentangle Cloisonne ~ Taichung City Xitun District Office (5F Art Space)
2023/07 Zentangle in Heaven and Earth ~ Taichung City Library Main Library (2F, 4F)
2023/08 Zentangle Cloisonne ~ Taichung City Nantun District Office (Cultural Art Gallery)

2023/08-10  臺中市豐原火車站~后豐社區大學櫥窗聯展

Group Exhibition Experience
2023/08-10 Taichung City Fengyuan Railway Station ~ Houfeng Community University Window Exhibition

2023/07/03 教育廣播電台-燦爛時光:禪繞天上人間張卉青禪繞畫特展
2022/05/02教育廣播電台-燦爛時光:紓壓藝術禪繞畫 https://www.ner.gov.tw/program/5a83f4ebc5fd8a01e2df020d/626f45b2f5d0f8000870a0aa

Artist Interview
2023/07/03 Educational Broadcasting Station - Brilliant Times: Zentangle Exhibition of Zentangle Paintings by Chang Hui Cing
2022/05/02 Educational Broadcasting Station - Brilliant Times: Zentangle Art for Stress Relief https://www.ner.gov.tw/program/5a83f4ebc5fd8a01e2df020d/626f45b2f5d0f8000870a0aa
2020/01/31 Educational Broadcasting Station - Brilliant Time: Meditation, Relief, Chang Hui Cing will take you into the world of Zentangle painting


Zentangle Teaching Experience
1. Taichung City Library and its branches - Lecturer of Zentangle activity
2. Ministry of Labor's Industrial Talent Investment Program - Lecturer of Zentangle Aesthetics Course
3. Taichung Alley Long-term Care Station - Elder Zentangle Course Lecturer
4. Taichung City Huludun Cultural Center - Lecturer of Zentangle Painting Experience Camp
5. Corporate Workplace Health Lecture - Stress Relief Zentangle Lecturer
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