藝術家油畫 ‧ 國畫 ‧ 書法 - 展售&訂製        裝框 ‧ 裱褙 - 工廠直營 ‧ 批發&零售

林忻瑩 Amber/國際藝術顧問


About - Amber Art Advisor 8月16日 AMBER ART ADVISOR 創辦人 林忻瑩 於2016年01月成立至今 L2 ART FIRM 事務所 創辦人 林忻瑩 於2019年01月成立至今 托爾斯泰曾說:「一個人為了要把自己體驗過的感情傳遞給別人,於是在自己心裡重新喚起這種感情,並用各種外在的形式把它表達出來——這就是藝術的起源。」 本人專職於藝術顧問,希望藉由藝術的薰陶與推廣,帶給更多人未知的喜悅與觸動,從藝術品的剖析到交易與收藏,承辦委託代辦國際藝術品服務、私人及企業委託協尋藝術品,可先進行諮詢預約,一旦接受委託即有勞務費用產生,若成交將會抽取固定成數的業務佣金。 所有個案委託均受最高保密原則,為您安全地協尋心儀藝術品或出售藏品,不管是收藏家或企業公司,個資與細節皆無外流的隱憂。 專業諮詢期程安排彈性,隱私安全無慮,能代表委託方出席藝術拍賣與競標藝術品,作為談判代表為藝術品議價,嚴格執行保密原則,不受商業往來影響藝術與你我的生活品質。 專業諮詢|藝術、空間、設計、建設與接待中心藝術品配置……等,皆能諮詢並給予專業建議與協助 藝術收藏 | 國內、國際藝術品個案訂製完整處理方式與作業流程 修復藝術 | 根據客戶預算與委託物的價值,配合專業藝術修復師讓藝術品、古董重獲新生 委託拍賣 | 藝術品拍賣流程解析,將藝術品交由專業鑑定師進行估價確認後再進入拍賣程序 裱框設計 | 平面藝術品的裱褙裱裝設計,立體雕塑藝術品訂製展示盒 遺產配置 | 藝術古董相關的遺產與法律顧問協同處理 建築藝術|建案整體視覺藝術配置與大型裝置藝術 AMBER ART ADVISOR established in January 2016. Founder - Amber Lin L2 ART FIRM founded in January 2019. Founder - Amber Lin “To evoke in oneself a feeling one has once experienced, and having evoked it in oneself, then by means of movements, lines, colors, sounds, or forms expressed in words, so to transmit that feeling that others may experience the same feeling - this is the activity of art.” — Leo Tolstoy, What Is Art? I regard art consultants as my vocation. I hope that through the edification and spread of art, I can bring more people the unknown joy and touch, from the analysis of art to the transaction and collection, and also undertake the commissioning of international art services, individuals or enterprises entrust to seek art pieces. Furthermore, advance appointment for consultation is required. However, once the commission is accepted, there will be service charge. If the transaction reaches a deal, I will also charge a fixed percentage of sale price as the commission. All case entrustments are subject to the highest confidentiality principle, so you can safely look for your favorite art pieces or sell your collections. Whether you are a collector or company, the informations and details will never be leaked. My schedules are quite flexible, so feel free to contact me for a consultation. Privacy is the most important thing I do care about, as I usually represent the client to attend art auctions, bid art pieces, and negotiate. I strictly enforces the principle of confidentiality. To make sure for each other to have the quality of life with art. Professional consultation | Art, space, design, construction and reception center art configuration, etc., can consult and give professional advice and assistance. Art Collection | Customizing processing for domestic and international art pieces. Restoring the art | According to the customer's budget and the value of the trust, the professional art restorer will revitalize the artwork and antiques. Commissioned auction | Art auction process analysis, the artwork will be submitted to the professional appraiser for valuation and then enter the auction process. Frame design | Frame design of art pieces, custom-made display box for three-dimensional sculpture. Heritage configuration | Art and antique related heritage and legal counsel. Architectural Art | Construction of the overall visual art configuration and large installation art.
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